Monday, April 29, 2013

National AMI Convention 2013, New York City

Bev Nelson, California AMI President: The national AMI Convention was held this past month in New York City. I enjoyed attending meetings with the national leaders of each state where I learned what they are doing to make AMI stronger on their level.  I came away with the knowledge that AMI is strengthened not on the national level but in the individual states by what they do. To break it down even more, it’s what we do in our own chapter areas and even more importantly what we do on as individuals. An area can be strong even it has just one member; that strength is determined by individuals making a difference. I believe so strongly in the power of one in your own community. There are so many issues in the world that involve mothers and women in general but the only world we can really change is the world around us. That is where we have a real power, first in our own families, then in our communities, each in our own time and season of influence. Being a mother to your own children when they are young is the most important thing you can do to change the world. As your children get older branching out into the schools and community comes next. When your children have left your home your influence can then be used to enrich all around you. I also learned at Convention that no project is too small if it lifts even just one person.  I love the thought that everyone matters, everyone needs to be helped at one time or another, everyone needs praise and acceptance. We created the Dorothy Winder DeVore award to be given out annually because she is the example of “Changing The World One Child (or person) At A Time” so can you imagine a world where every wonderful mother did something to help in their own areas of influencing, one child at a time.  It would take away the social issues that plague our society today.  As Mother of the Year I was challenged to do a project that made a difference.  May I challenge you all to do the same.  This year individually find a project that will make a difference in your area of influence and do it, bringing your friends along with you. In my eyes you are all Mothers of the Year! That is how we will strengthen California. Thank you for letting me represent you at National Convention for AMI.  

Stephanie McKnight 2013 California Young Mother of the Year: The national convention was great! The highlight of the convention was meeting all of the wonderful mothers around the United States (and even Puerto Rico). We were able to share stories and bounce ideas off of each other for service projects and mothering our own children. I left the conference feeling inspired to be a better mom and make a difference in California. Thank you for the honor of being California Young Mother of the Year!

Renee Starr 2013 California Mother of the Year: Bev, Stephanie and I had a wonderful time at the AMI National Convention in New York City this last week.  Our national board went all out to make us feel special and honored.  The Mothers and Young Mothers of the Year from each state are amazing women.  We made plans to keep in touch and share ideas on Facebook.  There are so many good people in the world.  It was my privilege to associate with some women who are trying to make a difference in their corner of the world. We are now back and running with excitement with ideas to assist all of you in your own communities.  Some of my goals for the year are the following: Starting a humanitarian group in my neighborhood putting packets together for distressed babies at the Los Angeles Community Hospital.  The packets will include small flannel blankets, a sleeper and an onesy.  We will begin this project in June.  I would like to visit a meeting at each of your chapters to get to know you and help you with your projects.  So please invite me.
I plan on assisting Bev in building up members in California, coming up with project ideas and delegating responsibility for others to be active in making a difference in our communities. Last, but not least, I hope to schedule past and present Mothers of the Year, Young Mothers of the Year and Women of Achievement to speak throughout our communities and state. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join the California American Mothers organization.  Together we can do great things.

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