Friday, May 24, 2013

San Bernardino County Supervisor's Office Report

Rancho Cucamonga Resident Helping Recognize Mothers
Rutherford Report
San Bernardino County Supervisor’s Office. May 2013

When Bev Nelson learned about some inappropriate activity that took place during her oldest son’s overnight trip with his high school chorus, she went straight to the principal to let him know how she felt about the lack of supervision. 

“He said something that really made me stop and think,” Nelson said. “He said, ‘Where were you?’” 

For the next 15 years, Nelson—a Rancho Cucamonga resident and the mother of eight planned—organized, and chaperoned countless chorus trips, including journeys to competitions in Canada and Europe. 

“I made sure that the parents who went on the trip knew what their responsibilities were in terms of supervising the students,” she said. 

Nelson’s involvement in the chorus trips as well as her active role in her children’s schools, scouting, sporting, and other activities helped her earn the California 2012 Mother of the Year award from American Mothers Inc., a national nonprofit group that recognizes the important role of motherhood through educational programs and community outreach. 

Each of the women selected as Mother of the Year for their state are featured in online videos produced by American Mothers. In her video, Nelson encourages young mothers to surround their children with “wonderful adult role models.” 

“They need to look at other people besides you for encouragement and wisdom,” said Nelson, who serves as president of the California Association of American Mothers. “It only validates what you as a mother teach them.” 

Now, she is working to start a local chapter of American Mothers to work on local community service projects, such as collecting donations for domestic violence shelters, and to host events to educate young mothers and to recognize local mothers for the work they do. 

“Most mothers are the unsung heroes of the world,” Nelson said. “They do so much for their families without any desire for recognition.” 

About a year and a half ago, Nelson helped start the Upland Community Service Council to bring local service organizations such as Rotary,Lions, and Kiwanis clubs as well as local churches together to cooperate on community projects. 

“This kind of effort just builds unity in the community,” she said. “And isn’t that what you try to do when you are a mom?” 

If you would like more information about the Upland Community Service Council or the local chapter of American Mothers, send an email to Nelson at

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