Saturday, March 11, 2006

March 11, 2006 Luncheon Gala

2006 AMI California State Mother of the Year Luncheon
March 11, 2006

Welcome & AMI Pledge by Danielle Smith, President

Introduction to luncheon by Tahne Lutz, Vice President

Prayer by Robert Martin, L.A. County Fire Captain

Speech by Cheryl Clarke,
The 2005 California Mother of Young Children

Speech by Dr. Lee Reid,
The 2005 California Mother of the Year

Musical Number:  Danielle Smith, “You Were There.”

Presentation to Jennifer Given,
The 2006 California Mother of Young Children

Speech by Jennifer Given

Presentation to Marsha Saylors,
The 2006 California Mother of the Year

Speech by Marsha Saylors

Winners of silent auction & raffle announced by

Tahne Lutz, Vice President

Closing Remarks by Danielle Smith, CAMI President