Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Review by Dorothy Devore

Reflecting on this past year we find it has been filled with meaningful events and activities.
Inspired by the 2012 Mom to Mom Conference at the National Convention, Bev Nelson, 2012 California Mother of the Year, suggested a similar event in California. We joined with Claremont Graduate University to plan “Motherhood in the 21st Century,” chaired by Dr. Gina Messina-Dyssert. In October we had an excellent program and good attendance on their beautiful campus. A nice addition was the attendance of American Mothers’ National President, Connell Brannan, and 2012 National Young Mother of the Year, Carrie Leonard.
Margaret Finlay, 2012 Mother of Achievement, arranged for our 2012 honorees to be recognized with beautiful proclamations by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich of the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors at their October, 2012 Board Meeting.
Bev Nelson invited mothers of all ages from across the nation to contribute personal experiences that were meaningful for her book, Voices of American Mothers. It turned into a delightful and inspirational, beautifully bound collection. Bev has met with mothers in her area and encouraged a group to make 200 quilts for a long term homeless shelter. She was invited to narrate the Christmas lighting ceremony for government consulate generals in the LA area and has started a Community Service Council to bring together churches and service clubs to work on projects to improve the city. Bev officially began serving as the new President of the California Association at the Gala and will move forward using her enthusiasm, endless energy and ideas, and organizational skills to grow our California organization. 
We planned a Mom to Mom Conference in conjunction with our 2013 Gala, chaired by Bev Nelson, “Mothers . . . Influencing the World One Child at a Time.” We enjoyed speakers and hearing from our 2013 honorees, Renee Starr, Mother of the Year, Stephanie McKnight, Young Mother of the Year, Janice Rutherford-Lim, Mother of Achievement, and Robina Suwol, awarded the first ever “Francis Eleanor Smith Award, Helping the Helpless Children” in honor of Mrs. Smith who was the second National Mother of the Year in 1936 and founder of Casa Colina. We had participants again in the 5th Grade essay contest and Ariana ford form Valencia was the winner. We  recognize Irene Blore, 1995 California Mother of the Year and former National Board Member, who envisioned and has sponsored this event on the national level in memory of her own mother.
Darcy Ure, 2012 Young Mother of the Year, gathered school supplies to donate to children in Cambodia, which she and her family delivered personally. She has also helped with social media. 
I value the many happy experiences with AMI the past six years, the wonderful support from members and meeting outstanding mothers in California and from across the country. Each year I meet more great mothers and look forward to phone calls, emails, chapter meetings, Galas and National Conventions to feel inspired, energized and uplifted.