Friday, October 18, 2013

California American Mothers gives Service to USC Medical Center NICU Department

PIctures of our trip to the USC Medical Center as we delivered new baby kits to new mothers. Some of the babies in the NICU were as small as  3 pounds. What a marvelous hospital this is and they do so many good things for these families! 

Thank you USC Medical Center for allowing us to do our small part for you 
while you do so much for everyone you serve!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Families First

In going through some of the California American Mothers boxes I found this Report!
It is very interesting to see that the issues talked about in 1993 are still on the decline 
and still the issues of today...
We must do all we can to stand for strong families.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

"For I Was An Hungered..."

And ye gave me meat: I was a stranger and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me…And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”  Matt. 25:35-40
Grandma, I love you!  Honestly, I don’t know who I would have become and where I would be if it were not for you. You are a perfect example of this scripture. What a blessing you have been to me.  Your amazing strength and compassion has literally saved my life.
People laugh when they see my baby blanket.  I giggle when I show them my 34-year-old treasure that now looks like a tiny rat’s nest of strings. But the story behind the smile isn’t really funny. I don’t know how many days and nights I spent out in the cold; I know that I was hungry; and I know that I was a precious little girl living in a drug infested world filled with physical, mental and emotional abuse. Thank heaven for my blanket and thank heaven for my grandmother.
Grandma already raised her three daughters; she called me number four.  It took four tries to finally get my name right when she would call me.  Grandma was my comfort when my mom was on a drug binge and could not be found.  She took me in from the streets, fed me, sheltered me and taught me right from wrong.  I found peace in her arms and joy in her sweet kisses.
I was taught the value of work, family, virtue, church, cooking and family recipes. My grandmother took me to school and church and eventually taught me responsibility and independence. All of these things may sound ordinary to the average person, but not to someone like me who lived through so much hardship.  Because of grandma, I am strong and have self worth.
I learned a lot about loving others unconditionally; seeing the positive things in people and in life. This understanding has helped me to turn my opinions and actions around. I received much counsel from her as she would tell me what she would do in certain situations, but she allowed me to make my own decisions and never judged me when I made my choice.
Grandma also taught me how to stand up for what is right and stand up against those who would harm me and others. These lessons have given me the ability to be a good judge of character.  With this knowledge, I am able to help others with their challenges in life. 
Now that I am grown there is not one day that goes by that I don’t think of her.  Grandma, you have served me my whole life. Your advanced stage of Alzheimer Disease has blessed me with the opportunity to give service to you in your time of need. You cannot speak to me or wrap your arms around me anymore, but your spirit is strong and sweet and ever-so-much an influence in my life.  I want you to know that you are a precious gift from God! You bring out in me the tender emotions and compassion allowing me to love and understand my own children, something I would struggle with if it were not for the example of motherhood that you have shown me. It’s my turn to feed and clothe you.  It is a blessing to comfort you in my arms and in my sweet kisses bring you joy.

Contributed by  Jessica from California

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

So Perfect!

Single Parenting

After having lived the last thirty years as a single parent I have come to realize that the joys and pains aren’t any different for a single mother than a mother in a home with both parents.  The joys that are brought into our lives by our children are not determined by our marital status nor are the pains unique to us as a single parent.  
I do know from my personal experience, however, that there are numerous differences in the challenges, resources and energy for the single parent.  The fact that you must face the daily demands and problems all alone often times becomes overwhelming.  
When my kids were young my saving grace was having many good friends.  They listened with interest and shared ideas and offered love and encouragement when times were hard.  Sometime they took my kids for an afternoon so I could just have time for myself.  The lesson I am so grateful to have learned is we can choose the path we want to travel.  It can be hard or it can be harder.
I will share one of the hardest times and one of the most joyful times in the following story.  It was December and my kids were teenagers.  We had very little income and my time at home was limited.    I had shared with the kids that Christmas would be light and we would each be getting only one gift.  We would not get a tree until Christmas Eve so there would not be decorations all around until the day before Christmas.  We would find a tree on the lot when everyone had closed down and the remaining trees were free.
I had to work on Christmas day, which seemed rather discouraging but we would make the best of the holiday.  As  the week of Christmas came closer, my daughter called and asked if her roommate could come to our house on Christmas as she could not go home to her family.  I was a little embarrassed because we would not be having a fancy family dinner and I had no money to buy her friend a gift, but coming to our house was much better than sitting alone in an empty dorm room while everyone else went home.  
The boys and I picked the girls up from their dorm at 11:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve.  Singing and laughing for an hour as we drove home, all the while watching out the window for a tree lot.  It was freezing cold and the roads were covered with ice.   Finding an abandoned lot we exited the car and searched the deserted trees to find the perfect one.   The kids found this all quite amusing while I found it pretty darn creative.   After ten minutes we tied the tree to the top of the VW bus and away we went.
We decorated, sang and laughed as we shared popcorn and hot chocolate until the wee hours of the morning.   The pain of being poor and challenged was lifted from my shoulders as I watched the kids share with each other the joys of the season and being together.
Now thirty years later, each of the kids talk about stealing that Christmas tree and all the fun we had together.  They do not remember the pain and difficulties we experienced.  They remember the joy that was found through love and laughter and snuggling in front of the living room fireplace.   Joys and pains of being a single parent are many.  But the lessons we learn far outweigh the struggles and pain we encountered along the way. 

Contributed by Lauraine from California

Friday, August 30, 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood

Watching Your Children Grow

There is something extraordinary in watching your children grow up.  It all happens too one moment taking your child’s picture wearing a diaper and standing in Daddy’s shoes, and what seems like the next moment, buying that child his own first pair of size 10 shoes. 
For me, reality hit with the hand-me-down skirt that was given to my 7-year-old Becca that was sizes too big.  One morning she dressed herself, putting on that perfectly pink over-sized skirt.  She ran downstairs searching for me.  Standing there with the skirt draping on the floor, she asked, “Mommy, does this fit me yet?”  “No,” I answered.  She sighed and a sad look crept over her face.  “I’ll never be big enough.  I’ve tried it on every week and it still doesn’t fit!”  That moment imprinted on my heart.  “Stay little,” I thought.  “No....stay innocent, stay sweet, and stay my little girl.”  
So my quest became preserving that sweetness that children bring so naturally to families.  I try to take the perfect pictures.  I write in journals with them, and sometimes for them.  I kiss them when they are sleeping. At times when my husband and I are tempted to roll our eyes, we try to remind each other, “Someday we’ll miss that.”  
I think attempting to see the world from the perception and perspective of children is really healthy at times.  My youngest crawled in my bed one morning.  “What in the world I am I going to do when you leave me and go to kindergarten?” I asked.  “You’ll leave me all by myself at home.”  My Maryn had a brilliant 4-year-old answer.  “You can do the dishes. Then you can read or write in your journal.  And maybe you could sleep for a little minute.”  She amazed me with her important life components:  work hard, enjoy moments, and then rest.
The spiritual perception of children amazes me as well.  I was asked once, “Mom, I’m thinking about 2 people and they are brighter than the sun.  Who am I thinking about?”  That’s a girl that might quite possibly know more about God and Jesus Christ than I do.  And I still think of the time one daughter went to the Glory of Christmas production many years ago, and came home describing every detail of the live nativity.  Alex finally just had to ask, “Becca, did you go to Bethlehem?”  I think Bethlehem is actually quite near to children.
These kids grow up.  They have new desires and new appetites.  Alex at one point told me, “Mom, when I grow up I want to work in the judicial branch because I like to think about when there’s a drought, I can help people not waste water.  Or like saying don’t drive airplanes too low unless they are landing.”  Now he tells me he wants to be an engineer.  He will be.  But I think he will be committed to using just laws and discipline to be the best engineer he can be, just as he planned to use laws and discipline to be a great worker of the judicial branch.
By far, the greatest thing I can offer my growing children is my never-ceasing love for them.  From the moment I first held them in my arms, I committed to them my unconditional love.  Some days are easier to show love than others.  We all face disappointments, frustrations, thoughtless moments, and failures.  But I never want my kids to doubt I love them.  I want them to be confident like my Eliza who came home from school a few years back and declared, “Mom, when I’m Kinder of the Week, you can come and tell everybody you love me!”  Of course I will, I thought.  That’s exactly what I want the world to know.
Contributed by Amy from California

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ideas for Service

So many of you have ask what kind of projects to do in your areas that I feel a list of ideas would be most helpful to you. These are only a few and will probably give you a starting point or better yet spark an idea of your own.  I believe in the old saying that goes... "Great ideas are seldom original but borrowed!" I say... "That's what life is all about."  Follow those who have gone before you and build upon the past of others. You are most welcome to add comments to this post and share your ideas with all of us.

1. Get to know your community. What organizations are already in place that help women and children? Why start something new if you can help one that is already in place. Find out their needs and help in those areas.
2. Contact your local library to see if they will partner with you on a lecture series for mothers while their children are at reading time in the library.  Contact local professionals in the areas with expertise in motherhood and parental guidance that all young mothers need to augment their skills. Those professionals will give a level of expertise to the lectures.
3. Contact the local Children's Social Services to see if there is anything you can do for them.  I heard of one group who collected stuffed animals and made blankets to give to small children when they were taken out of their home because of court order.  The blanket and small animal were a comfort to the children at a time of unrest in their lives.
4. Call your local school district to see if there are programs in place for after-school that you may help with.  One organization in our community has a complete mentoring program for children who have no one at home after school.  They provide tutoring to help with homework as well as a safe place for them to be.  Many items can be donated to groups like this.
5. Have a book drive to give to the local homeless family shelters in your area.
6. Look on the internet for service ideas. We live in a wonderful time when the world is at your fingertips.  Ideas are plentiful and shared by everyone.
7. If your group of American Mothers is small, partner with a local community women's organization or Faith Community.  See if their group would be willing to work with you on an idea you have set up and created.  Not only will you make many new friends but you will also let them be aware of what American Mothers is all about.
8. Contact the local county hospital and see if they are in need of baby items for the mothers who come in to have their babies yet have nothing to put on them when they take them home from the hospital.  Our local American Mothers just delivered over 200 baby kits to the local county hospital.  They were overjoyed with our donation to them.  Those baby kits will be greatly appreciated.
9. Have a block party on your street to organize a project for the community that you as neighbors can work together on.
10. Involve your family! I cannot think of a better way to teach children to think of others as when they serve others themselves.  

Most of all remember that service in a personal thing as well as a group activity. "Have I done any good in the world today?"... is the question we should ask ourselves.  Doing service is more fun with others are involved and fills our need as women to be with other women.  Laughter, love and unity is what makes us whole.  Good luck in your adventures of service.  Many hands lighten the load. 

 by Bev Nelson, California American Mother's President. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Stranger In The Mirror

People always joke about a woman named “Molly”.  You know, the mythical woman who is perfect and does everything like a supermom.  She has a house full of children; her house is always perfect and hot meals are cooked every night.  She bakes cookies for the neighbors on a regular basis, works, does her family history, keeps a daily journal and her windows sparkle for heaven’s sake!  “Molly” looks like a million bucks in her homemade clothing, makeup and beautiful hair-do. Oh, yah, and she sews clothing for her perfect children.  Did I mention that when her husband comes home she greets him with a smile while he twirls her around and kisses her at the exact moment that her heel kicks up?

Everyone laughs when talking about “Molly”, except me.  “Molly”, describes my mother exactly, and I mean every detail!!!  I was so proud of myself when I called her at 10 o’clock one morning.  “Hi! mom!” I said, anxious to brag about all that I accomplished so far.  “I’ve already cleaned up the kitchen after making pancakes for the kids and I just finished making chili in the crock pot for tonight.” Then came her reply, “I’ve been busy, too.  I got up early to work outside, trimmed the hedges and raked up all of the leaves in the yard.  Then I took a shower and have just finished making home-made soup; the home-made rolls are rising on the stove.” My mother is absolutely incredible!  I find joy watching this amazing woman.

Over the last 12 years, my joy has become a heartache. Slowly, but surely, that dreadful Alzheimer Disease is taking the mother I have always known away.  This is a difficult journey for our family.  She lost her ability to read, watch TV and entertain herself in the early stages of this disease.  Our attitude of finding joy in the journey has helped us tremendously.

The day that mom met the stranger in the mirror is a blessing.  She found a new best friend!  Thankfully, there are many mirrors throughout the house. Mom pointed her finger at the stranger and smiled.  “You are a beautiful woman!” she said.  “Yes, you are….you’re beautiful!”  Mom giggled and so did her friend.  Day and night mom tried to coax her new found companion out of the mirror.  Mom reassured her own reflection that everything would be alright. 

I know that the mother I have always known is still there even though she cannot hold me or speak to me. She has spent a lifetime being kind to strangers and young people with problems.  It only seems natural that she would reach out in kindness to the stranger in the mirror.  For many years she has been kind to another stranger - me.  Although she is confined to a bed and sleeps most of the time, I find joy in knowing that she is still a “Molly”.

Contributed by Renee from California

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood

Blending Families

Blending families together can be a challenging yet immensely rewarding opportunity.  Through my marriage to my husband, I have had the opportunity to be a mother to two wonderful young girls.  In the course of blending our family together as one, I learned many important lessons and tips to make things a bit easier on everyone involved (especially the children).
First of all, it is important to recognize that your immediate family unit comes first.  I will be forever grateful that my husband allowed me to step in as Mom and parent our girls.  Before marriage, we extensively discussed what our parenting roles would be and how we would work together to discipline and reward our children.  I believe this helped to create a smooth transition for us and keep consistency within our home.
After getting married I spent a lot of time getting to know my new daughters and working through fears and concerns they had.  It is important for children to feel loved and accepted, especially when feelings of doubt enter regarding sharing their biological parent with someone else.  Reassurance, new routines (no matter how mundane), and new family traditions help children to feel secure and loved within their family unit.  Knowing we wanted to add more children to our family, we wanted to make sure our girls knew they were equally important as any other children that would join our home.  One way I did this was to never refer them as my “step” children.  Through movies and television, step parents have been given a bad name which emulates them as evil tyrants who oppress and mistreat their “step” children.  By referring to the girls as my children they never had to question how much I love them or if things will be different when other siblings join the family.
After ensuring the immediate family unit is taken care of, it is important to address the concerns of extended families and reassure them that the children are doing well despite the changes within the home.  I am a firm believer that children can never have too many people in their lives that love them unconditionally, which includes grandparents on both biological sides.  I am extremely blessed that I have a strong, understanding relationship with my girl’s grandparents (on their biological mother’s side).  It was essential that I showed respect to the relationships that had been established well before I was in the picture.  The grandparents of course felt some uncertainty about what the future would hold; how often they would see their grandchildren, what happens if other children enter the family, etc.  I made it clear early on that I had no intentions of straining these relationships or pulling the children away. In fact I wanted the opposite.  I hoped we could spend holidays together and have frequent visits.  Through open communication and respect, we have been able to create a wonderful, loving environment for my girls in which we can all spend time together and enjoy each other’s company.  They are always welcome in our home and we use technology to stay close when face to face visits are impossible.
I am grateful for the opportunity that I have been given to be part of a blended family.  It has been such a rewarding process and it is amazing to see our family grow and become closer along the way.  My heavenly father has never left my side and has been there to provide inspiration and advice throughout my unique journey to motherhood.
Contributed by Stephanie from California

Thursday, August 15, 2013

What Does It Mean To Be A Mother?

What does it mean to be a mother?  Over the past 14 years I've been blessed to be the mother to six of the most amazing kids in the world. 
We've had a great time together celebrating the normal, every day things of life; blowing bubbles, peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, homework, afternoons at the park, driving carpools here and there and everywhere. In many ways it was just how I had imagined it.
But a couple of years ago a new normal seemed to enter my life without warning. It seemed no matter where we went or what we did always ended up in the hospital. 
Gymnastics injuries, triathlon broken back and ribs, jump-roping broken hips, orthopedic surgeries, body casts, wheelchairs, hospital beds at home, numerous x-rays and MRIs.  You name it; we did it. And just when we thought the medical storms in our life had passed, I gave birth to a sweet and perfect baby girl with 3 heart defects. 
Nothing can prepare a mother for the words "your baby needs open heart surgery."  I sat in stunned silence staring blankly at the doctors as I processed this shocking news.  How could this be?
In the weeks and months that followed I learned a very different side of mothering that was new to me. I was rarely home at all and there was hardly time for the park or play dates or the other normal things of life.  I was in survival mode.
This is what I learned.  Sometimes being a mother means being brave even when you're not.  Sometimes it means taking your child to the doctor every single day.  It means being up night after night and getting up day after day even when you're so exhausted.  It means making it through one more day.  It means smiling even when you want to cry.  
These past few years of storms have been a blessing to me.  Sometimes in all the chaos I could see clearly what really mattered in life.  All the extra worries in my life just seemed to melt away as I focused on the important needs of my family.
As I walked out of the hospital in February I sat out front waiting for my husband to bring the car around.  We were so grateful to be taking our little miracle home who had endured so much in her short ten months.  As I sat there thinking of all that we had been through, I met a mom named Tracy.  She introduced me to beautiful baby girl named Skyler.  "What are you here for?" she asked me.  I responded that Claire had just had open-heart surgery a few days before. She was so sweet asking me questions about how we knew, her symptoms, and when we found out.  As my husband’s car pulled into view we started loading up our precious baby and hospital bags. I turned to her to say goodbye and wished her luck with her baby and asked what was she at Children's Hospital for. I learned that her sweet and perfect baby had cancer.
In that moment I realized that everyone has something they are dealing with.  Everyone.  Most of us are so aware of our own struggles that we don't see others' difficulties very clearly. But Ian MacLaren noted wisely, “Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle.”
Because that's what we do as mothers.

Contributed by Darcy from California

Thoughts On Motherhood

Something every family should teach and live by!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Thoughts On Motherhood

National Mother of the Year 2013 Visits California

Judy Cook, the National Mother of the Year 2013 and her husband Fred Cook came over  for a visit with Renee Star California Mother of the Year 2013.  They were here from Utah to visit their children and grandchildren. Renee's husband, Jonathan was also present.  The four of Them had a wonderful lunch and visit together.  Judy is an amazing lady who is an inspiration to us all.  They discussed ideas on how to promote the American Mothers in our Areas. Judy enjoyed looking at the packets that the Mesa Oaks residents and the Relief Society organization of the Covina, California area have put together for the L.A. County and USC Medical Center. We will be visiting and touring the Medical Center soon. 

They talked a lot about the difference that each of us can make in our communities as we share a part of ourselves and strive to lift others in need.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Are They Ready To Go?

After having our children home for a reunion I was amazed to see how easy it was for them to revert back into their childhood roles and pecking order even though some are responsible adults with children of their own.  This reverting back pertains to us mothers as well. Once you have mothered it is hard to stop, though fulfilling the role of grandmother eases the emptiness of not mothering your own children.  The best part of being a grandmother is watching the full circle of development…your children now become the parents of their own children and you sit back, watching how your parental training is being implemented by the next generation. 
While pondering their visit, ironically on my Internet popped up a list of childhood events outlining signs of developmental milestones regarding a child’s readiness to leave home.  I was curious to read someone else’s viewpoint on this topic since I’ve been through this process a few times now.  The events listed were very “text book” if I can use that expression. 1) Your child is able to leave your side for minutes at a time to play alone. 2)  They play at a friend’s home without you. 3) They can walk, ride a bike or take a bus to school. 4) They develop the ability to stay home alone.  You can see where this is going!  All events listed above display either a physical or basic emotional growth of a child. I couldn’t help think that these events just happen as a natural growth process without any thought or training. It is the behaviors we teach and characteristics developed that will help children, not only be ready to go off on their own, but to be confident in their ability to leave home and to give back to society in a positive manner. 
When do you really know that a child is ready to leave?  What do they need to learn before that time comes?  These are age old questions I’m sure since each child is so different.   Our teachings should go further than the text book development.  For every person reading this article they could provide as many different perspectives as to when we know a child is ready to leave home and with what attributes.  In my own experience I can personally suggest four attributes to be the most important in demonstrating when a child is ready to leave home. 
1. The ability to forgive others. 
2. The ability to show kindness. 
3. The ability to forgive self.
4. A willingness to serve those whom they associate with. 
As you look at these four characteristics you can see that they demonstrate maturing from childhood to adulthood.   It contrasts the development of a toddler in diapers with self-indulgent behavior like taking back their toy to a young man standing in a suit and tie ready to serve with thoughts and actions of giving himself and expressing his concern for others.  These traits are not developed overnight, and everyone on the road to maturity can relapse to self-absorbed behavior.  Thinking back on lessons taught these concepts are reinforced over and over again demonstrating to me that we are all children who are being taught how to leave home successfully.
Shortly after one of our children left for college he called complaining of homesickness and expressed his desire to leave school and return home.  With my mother’s heart I loved to hear those words but wisdom told me that this would be the worst thing.  I reminded him how excited he had been to go off on his own and to be away. I also reminded him of some of the contention that had taken place right before he left reinforcing his need to be on his own which develops the next stage of independence. I then suggested, “It is better to be homesick and away… than sick of home with no where to go.” Daily phone calls and emails helped the situation…or maybe it was just the thought of the alternative…being at home.  Having a choice always makes the situation better. Our children’s independence will come easier for them, with our ability to let them go.

Contributed by Bev from California

Thoughts on Motherhood

Monday, July 29, 2013

Mom To Mom ... Table Talk

“How will I ever love another child? I love Alicia more than anyone else in the world.”  This was the question that I asked myself at age 22 when I found out that I was pregnant with my second child, Brandon.   How our first child even survived the googolplex of kisses that I planted on her is a mystery to me.  Experiencing the love I had as a new mother gave me a pounding heart and a depth of feeling that I had never felt before.  Thirty seven years later at the age of 59 I remember those feelings with fondness and now have a greater understanding of how broad and vast our ability to love is.

Grandchildren, another new feeling of love!  I’m experiencing a crazy, out-of-control loving feeling for my grandchildren!  How can this be possible?  What an amazing feeling?  My heart is pounding again! It’s hard to believe that our fourteenth grandchild will be born within the next two weeks.  Our quiver is already full of grandchildren, but I can guarantee that we will find room for this next child and many more that we hope to be blessed with.   I love being in love with them.  And would you believe that all 6 children, foster children and thirteen (so far) grandchildren have endured all of those kisses?  What is a googolplex times 24 children?  It doesn’t get much better than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great grandchildren?  My lips are puckered and my heart is pounding already!

Renee Starr, California Mother of the Year 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood

Chapter Area Happenings... Inland Valley

Next workshop to benefit newborns at Los Angeles County Hospital.  Thanks to the generous donations of Mesa residents we have adequate flannel material supply and a supply of onesies. We now only need boy and girl sleepers.  

Last night the volunteer cutters, ironers, material coordinators, pinners, sewing machine operators, and assemblers prepared 12 packets of items for newborns while enjoying the fellowship of their neighbors.

From Renee Starr.... Inland Valley

Chapter Area Happenings... Santa Barbara

It's Back to School Time! Out in Valencia we are helping a Single Mothers Outreach fill 300 backpacks by August 10th. They are in need of crayons, pens, pencils, colored pencils, rulers, spiral notebooks, folders, glue, and erasers If anyone has items to donate please drop off at my house or contact me for pickup Much appreciated!!

From Darcy Ure from the Santa Barbara Chapter

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mom To Mom... Table Talk

My two youngest (5 weeks and almost 2) and I were sick. After a long night of being up with the baby, I was exhausted. I was laying in bed feeding the baby and my toddler was climbing all over us needing some mommy-time. Both boys started crying. After the baby took a few knees and elbows, I put the toddler in the hallway and closed my bedroom door. He dropped on the floor in front of my door and cried. I felt so helpless! How could I take care of both of my sick boys and my two older girls while feeling terrible myself? I'm so grateful for my two daughters who saw a need and stepped up without even being asked! Sarah (7) took her crying younger brother into her room and played with him. Autumn (9) emptied the dishwasher and washed dishes left over from breakfast.

Being a mom is not always flowers and sunshine. But watching and listening to my girls step up and take care of things reminded me that being a positive example is imperative. I'd like to think that my daughters knew what to do because they've watched and learned from me, but I'm not sure that's true. Women are born with the compassion and desire to care for others, and that is what I witnessed. I'm eager and excited to watch my girls grow up and become mothers, they will do such a great job! But in the meantime I'll try to teach them everything I know and nurture the womanly traits they were born with.

From Stephanie... Young Mother of the Year 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood

As we go about each day serving in our home and communities here is a thought by John Savage that I find useful, "Shout praise and whisper criticism."

by Julie... Vice President of California American Mothers 2013

Mom To Mom ... Table Talk

As we sat down to dinner tonight, the conversation lagged.  So, I threw out "the question of they day."  This gives us to have a topic discussion where we practice listening and sharing.  Our question tonight was as follows: What was something that your mom did, when you were younger, to make you feel loved."  For my kids, they had to share how they know I love them(they're little).  

I thought I knew the answers coming...clean laundry, clean house, gifts for christmas or birthdays, but no.  None of those were mentioned.  

The answers from grown men in the group you ask?  My mom drove me around to all of the things that I needed.  She was there.  Another one commented that his mom wrote notes on his brown paper bag.  He said they weren't just little phrases, but specifics about what she admired in him.  She also made him give her morning hugs.  Another commented that his mom made him yummy mexican food.  He felt so special when she made his favorite dish. My son said that he knew I loved him because I gave him hugs.  I remember that my mom was at my sporting events.  She sacrificed so that I could take piano lessons. 

None of us commented on a clean house, or the laundry folded just so.  Looking back, we all agreed that it was the little things. 
by Sara... Young Mother of the Year 2010

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chapter Area Happenings

These are pictures of the American Mothers/ Mesa Oaks resident's first humanitarian workshop for the month of June in Covina, California.  The flannel blankets that we are making for distressed, preemie and babies from struggling families are so.......cute!  We bought some new and slightly used onsies and sleepers and washed and ironed them.  Then we put the three items in a gallon size Ziploc baggie with a note enclosed saying "Lovingly made by the American Mothers and the Mesa Oaks residents".  

We had such a blast.  The neighbors were so grateful that someone who knew what she was doing could organize these workshops for them.  They expressed that they always wanted to do something humanitarian, but didn't know how to go about doing it.  We worked the scheduled 1 1/2 hours but no one wanted to leave.  We ended up working 3 hours.  Some of us will be going on a field trip to the Los Angeles County Hospital where these packets will be donated to.  Next week is our 2nd workshop.  The board of directors for our neighborhood are now talking about donating to humanitarian efforts on an annual basis.  I think that when we put forth the effort to organize things that people will do what ever they can to support it.  There are a lot of good people in the world.